Remember Those On Memorial Day
May 23, 2024

Levar Burton On Star Trek Picard

Levar Burton On Star Trek Picard

Tony Tellado: I got to ask you about Picard a little bit. Getting the enterprise D back was just for everybody, was just an amazing feat. And I also like that everyone of the crew,  You all had a role to play and you just weren't brought on just for the sake of having you there.

Levar Burton: That's the format of the seven samurai, isn't it?

Tony Tellado: It sure is.

Levar Burton:  Everybody has a contribution to make. You put the band back together for purpose, because you need the special skill or talent that each and every one, as an individual brings to the group. It's kind of foolproof if you do it. If you do it well. And Terry Metallis really, he delivered a love poem to the next gen cast, and we were thrilled that ship had sailed in. That was never going to happen. And until it did. It was pretty cool.

Tony Tellado: Yeah. And work with your daughter, too. That's not bad.\

Levar Burton: Boy, if it never happens again, you know, we did it at the highest level in the best way imaginable. Her playing a LaForge and an engineer to boot.